Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We are SO hot!!!

We went out and played in the snow one night in our backyard, and decided to pull out these awesome snow suits my Stepmom Laurie bought for us. They came in handy but both of us felt a little overweight when it came time to zip them up!
Swingsets can still be fun in winter. Poor Malia doesn't have her snow clothes yet. The next day I went out and bought her some (see below)

My handsome boy! Luckily all his snow stuff should still fit for one more year. Phew! Kids are expensive :)
And here she is, all decked out in her snow gear and too-big boots. I LOVE the coat and all the purple. If you've ever seen her room, it is pretty much all purple. By the time she's five she will probably be sick of purple. But until she's 18 I get to decide what she wears so just watch, she will have a purple prom dress :)

I got these as a white elephant gift. Riley got the "angry Scottsman" eyebrows, and Malia the "unibrow". Everytime the unibrow would fall off, she would come running to us to put it back on. Then she would just wear it around like it was perfectly normal.

Riley's Kindergarten class had a Lua Christmas party. Here's Riley taking my order. Ben and I are SO enjoying watching Riley grow and learn. It's like experiencing the school years all over again.

Here's Riley with his awesome teacher! I am SO glad that he is in her class. She gets him, and has known from the beginning how to guide him and it is amazing how far he has come. I have also been trying really hard to help him in certain areas, such as not getting his feelings hurt so easy and not being embarrased so easily and he has come leaps and bounds. He really is SUCH a good little kid, a big helper with Malia, and his sensitive side is turning into a real sweet trait of his that makes him conscientious of other kids' feelings. LOVE this boy!


Melissa said...

I love your hair color- it's so pretty! And, I think you and Ben look really HOT in your snowsuits. I wish brian and i had some of those. :)

Tanya said...

This is fun! :) Your kids are sooo adorable!

Anonymous said...

How sexy are those snow suits!! I LOVE THEM! The 80s is coming back so hold onto those!! I absoulutely love the eyebrows...maybe they need to come to the hospital to have them waxed off one night! I want to go play in the snow you guys made it look so fun and not miserable!