Sunday, February 15, 2009


I have a new favorite four letter word.....PASS!!! Amazing how one little word can make all the difference. The word "pass" is sweet validation for the last three years of blood, sweat, and tears (okay, maybe just sweat and tears, and a lot of good times too). I took the NCLEX (for my nursing liscence) last Thursday morning, and honestly had no idea whether I passed or failed, but Saturday morning Ben and I got on the computer at the Radisson Hotel, and he looked up my results for me. I was SO sick to my stomach while he was looking it up, because I really felt it could go either way. I told him I felt sick, and he said "Well, you don't need to feel sick!" I didn't care who saw, I jumped on his lap and cried for a couple minutes because it was SUCH a relief! If you don't pass the NCLEX, you don't get your RN liscense. So, now that I have completed the last hurdle of a LONG series of hurdles I started three years ago, I can move on with life and enjoy not having to study all the time! No more locking myself in my room, trying to concentrate with poor Riley banging on the door, or sneaking off to the library for hours instead of spending the evening with my family. I am SO grateful that I decided to go to school to become a nurse. It has been a long, interesting and sometimes grueling process, but WELL worth it. I have had such good support from Ben through all this. In fact he has sort of become the "cook" of the family, and I told him tonight that because he has become so efficient at it and seems to enjoy it, I would never want to deprive him of that fulfilling part of his life so we will just keep him as the chef :)

Ben REALLY impressed me this weekend with a fun little getaway. I knew we were going somewhere for the weekend but didn't know where. He got us two nights at the Radisson in Salt Lake, and it was so nice! We were up on the 14 floor and had a great view. Friday night we went to The Roof, someplace I have wanted to go for a really long time. It's a buffet, and it was really, really great food. I can honestly say we have never spent that much on a meal (about $90) but the view, the atmosphere, and the food down to every little last piece of lettuce was PERFECT. And the desserts!!! There must have been 20 selections! I probably tried a few bites of eight different desserts. I just didn't want to pass up the opportunity, but I was totally sugared out at the end of the night. Then we walked back to our Hotel and tried to ignore all the horsecarriage drivers eyeing us down practically begging us to buy a ride. I felt bad for them because they have NO business, and they are all competing with eachother! We slept in until 11 am Saturday and Sunday morning! I wonder when THAT will ever happen again??? Saturday we saw two movies: Taken and He's Just Not That Into You. Taken was SOOOOO good. I LOVE Liam Neeson. The other movie was a fun show, but not one I'd see again. We ate at the Training Table later that night (love that place!!!) and then went into Smith's Marketplace to get some cookies and see what one of the huge Smith's is like. Well, we ended up walking out with quite a haul: for Riley, two shirts, swim shorts, and some new church shoes. For Malia, two adorable dresses, two cute tops, and some pajamas. Oh yes, and the cookies. I LOVE that store! I wish we had one here. It reminds me of the Fred Meyers in Orem before it went away. Well, I know I have gone on and on, but I wanted to write about this wonderful weekend! I had a great time with Ben, and although we miss Riley I know he is having fun with family and it's good for him to get out of the house too! I'm only mad I forgot my camera..Dang it!




Shumway Adventures said...

YEAH Darci!! RN's rock!

Tanya said...

awww! How sweet and YEAY for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You silly girl, the smiths marketplaces ARE old Fred Meyers, probably especially that one, if its the one on 4th. We used to shop there actaully. :) I love the two times I know something you don't. Miss college degrees...!
I really am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

I am soo excited for you. congratulations. Your weekend sounded wonderful. See you Wednesday.

Laura said...

Yeah! Congrats Darci, that's awesome!!! I am jealous of your weekend away...haven't had one of those in...I can't remember how long! Good job Ben! Sounds like it was a blast!

Melissa said...

Congratulations! We are so proud of you & we knew you could do it! :) I'm glad you guys had such a nice weekend. Brian told me he has a lot to learn from Ben. :)

Heidi said...

Congratulations, Darci! You are such a hard worker - of course you passed!
I miss Smith's Marketplace too.

Sam and Stacia said...

Congrats Darci! What a good feeling to finally be done! I keep thinking I need to go back, but the thought seems to end pretty fast :)

Chad & Angela Nuttall said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That's awesome!! We are so happy for you, way to go!

Becca said...

Oh, I am so happy for you! You are amazing! And yeay for the Roof. The last time I ate there was around Christmas when I was prego with Maks. It was a guilt-free glutton experience on temple square.

Sorry we missed each other the other weekend; we'll catch up sooner or later.

Leslee said...

You are going to make such a great nurse! thanks for taking such good care of me last night!

DebLawson said...

I am so happy for you!!!
Congrats on passing the test. You are AWESOME!
I'm sure I've told you, but Chloe wants to be a nurse, so I'll tell her that you passed and are now officially an RN! How cool is that?!
What a fun weekend get away you two had!! What a great hubby you have. Glad you had so much fun and got to eat so much yummy food.

Fun stuff!