Monday, February 11, 2013

January 2013

January. What can I say about January.  I hate to be a downer,
but January. was. crappy.  Let me clarify:  the weather was terrible
because there was an inversion all month, and it was beyond freezing, 
and I was still sick and puking all the time (yes, pregnant!).  So I 
personally had a really rough time with January and was sooo 
excited when the calendar changed to February.  Of course so
far February has been full of snow, but still....we are on our way
to spring.  So here's a few shots of our lives in January...not ALL bad :)

Ben finally scratched that itch and got a three wheeler!  He has
for some reason been obsessed with getting a four wheeler.  Well,
he found this three wheeler for a good deal and bought it for the
fun of it.  He pulled the kids around on sleds a few times and of
course they loved it!  But now it won't start.  Like I said, it was a
really good deal :) But I'm glad he can have a little fun.

My mom got married!  Here are a few pics from the ceremony.

Can it get any cuter????

This picture makes me laugh.  They were in the middle of a
fight, but Riley was a good sport and did a nice fake smile.
Malia is happy because she got her way and squished in
the chair with an unwilling Riley.  See, there's always a story
behind every picture :)

My Mom and Daniel.  He is really nice.

The judge that married them....oi!  She was and hour and a half late,
and her reason:  GI problems related to stress!  In fact when she arrived
she almost made it into the room but quickly said "I'm not going to make
it" and ran off to the bathroom for twenty minutes!!!  When she came
back she looked ill.  And thanks to her we all know it's her GI problems!  Ew.

The honored guests.  I was the designated photographer.

I just love this little face.

Bread and jam!!!!

Riley is such a little poser!  Love this kid!!!

Malia is on the trampoline, eating snow.  These two have very
much enjoyed playing in the snow this year.  Lot's of opportunities
for that!  We have had snow on the ground since Dec 17. It never
melts, and keeps getting replenished.   It is now middle February!

Something about Riley that I always want to remember.  He makes
Ben and I pictures and little things like this all the time.  What I love
is that the ones for me always say "I love you" and the ones to Ben
always say "I like you".  Of course he loves Ben too, but it's like he
already gets that secret guy code of not being too affectionate
towards other dudes!  I love it :)

We went to my brother Ben's wrestling match at North Sanpete.
It was fun to visit the old highschool.  I like watching the highschool
kids and knowing that they are so wrapped up in their world, just
like I was.  It's such a unique four years of life.  Anyways, it was
fun to watch Ben.  He is wrestling at State soon and we plan to go.

My mom gave Riley these goofy straw glasses.  He looks like a
little nerd!!!  He is such a good kid.  Honestly he is the best big
brother, and so so sweet.  most of the time :)

1 comment:

Tanya said...

hahahaha nice to just slip that little annoucment in like its no big deal....