Sunday, March 10, 2013

San Diego - Sea World!

We went to Sea World in San Diego the last week of February.  Exactly one year before we went to Disneyland.  February is a good time to get the heck out of freezing Utah!  Here are some of the Sea World Pics.  Why is it so hard to narrow the pictures down?  We went to Sea World 3 of the 5 days we were in San Diego.  By the third day, that was PLENTY!  But we are big fans of this place.

Hard to see faces, but...Riley is doing his fake exasperated face which he thinks is funny.  And Malia started her posing and wierd face pulling just in time for vacation pics!

Sesame Street Bay of Play at Sea World....quit a fun little area.

I made my family see this show 3 times.  I think it was called Horizens or something like that.  It involved lots of dolphins and some pilot whales, and birds and amazing acrobatic people in costume.  I LOVED it!  Ben thinks it's funny, but the show gave me goosebumps several times.  Can't deny the goosebumps!

I got to sit out the rides, but as much as I love rides I actually enjoyed relaxing a little on my own.  

Another wierd Malia face and pose :)  These kids loved the Bat Rays.  Malia was like the Bat Ray whisperer!  She and I spent a lot of time in this area while Riley and Ben went on a nearby roller coaster several times.

The killer whales are awesome!  The shows that involve them don't have any in water interactions between the trainers and whales so the show is more boring than I remember as a kid, when the trainers would ride the whales.  I love this pic of Riley and Malia.  They are soooooo cute!  And this may be the only normal face Malia pulled.

They rode this little ride together.  It was fun to watch them once the ride got going, and them having the time of their lives.  Malia again is doing a wierd smile!  She cracked us up.  Thank goodness Riley has the good smile down.
I convinced these three to go on this ride, told them they wouldn't get THAT wet.  Well.......

This is what they thought of me after the ride.  Guess they got a little more wet than I expected.  Ha!

This fish was HUGE!  And it wouldn't just swim would hang out in one place.

The Bayside Skyride at Sea World.  Kind of fun.  Kind of.

Same ride.

More quality Bat Ray time. Love them bat rays!

Blurry, but these are two killer whales swimming by.  No they are not mating.

Cheeeeesy!  Yes we are all equally into kid stuff, including posing with large furry characters.  I guess having kids will do that to you.
Just a cool killer whale pic.  The end!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

hahaha, your captions crack me up! :)