Thursday, August 1, 2013

Riley's Birthday!

Riley turned 8 this month!  Crazy.  I hope he had a good birthday...
we went pretty low key for the party end of things because we'd just 
had Gracie...but I think he had a great time and I KNOW he scored
some awesome presents.

First present of the day...from Malia, who was just as surprised.

I thought this was so cute!

Riley and Malia got to sleep over at my Mom and Daniel's on his
Birthday, so we thought we'd get a picture while we dropped
them off.  Look at the garden! They have been working so
hard on it.  And I don't know why Malia is pulling that face.
Oh, and Daniel LOVES Gracie...he held her a LOT!

Wanted to remember how cute the back of Gracie's head is,
and how creepy my mom is.

So his party was the next day, on a Friday, so that Ben could be
there.  It was a success!  We did it at the park so there was no
craziness at my house.  The only bad part was when they started
playing hide and was hard to keep track of them!
I was constantly doing a headcount.

Super man cake...thank you walmart!!!

The decor.....thank you Walmart!!!  Seriously I usually hate
going to's so crowded and just grumpy.  But that
store does have it's place.

Malia felt it appropriate to get a pic of her in front of Riley's stuff.

Getting ready to blow out candles!  And that is my mom in
the back, holding the little orange blob which is Gracie.

Riley got some awesome presents.  I think he loved
every single one of them this year.  Thanks friends!

Got a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Cook.  First picture
of them with all three of our kids.  Fridge worthy for sure!

Another fridge worthy picture!  And this was the night before my
Dad had surgery to remove his kidney, which had a large cancerous
growth on it.  Hopefully removing the kidney takes care of it, and he
won't have to undergo chemo or radiation.


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