Monday, November 26, 2007

Trip to Colorado
I recently drove to Colorado and met my mom and grandma at the airport. We then spent a couple of days visiting my great-grandma Sprague who lives in a nursing home. It was good to see her, but also hard because her health has declined so much since I saw her five or so years ago. She can't see or hear very well, and is sometimes unsure of who we are. But I have wonderful memories of her and I'm so glad I got to see her.

Okay I have no idea how to blog, but I guess everyone has to start somewhere. A friend sent me the link to her blog and it is so much fun reading her thoughts and looking at her pictures that I thought mabye this would be a good way to share our lives with others, since we lead SUCH exciting lives :) I have not started a blog yet because I feel like I am way too busy, but Christmas break is coming up soon and it might be fun to post a few pictures. I guess I'll write more later....this is just a start. It's also a test to see how the heck this works!

1 comment:

ciara said...

Hi Darci!! I loved your blog!!! It was great. You should be a writter or something. What a great idea!! Its lets you know how everyone is doing. I think we should pass this along to all of our familymembers and get them on it. We would all grow so much closer-(because we would freaking know something about each other)!!!! -Awsome-!!
Ciara Church