This past weekend I was able to drive to Boise and visit with my mom for a few days.
We had so much fun doing what we do best...watching movies, eating, shopping (I performed a wardrobe intervention on my mom!!!) She took me to this amazing nursery that has got to be the best nursery out is unbelievable and the pictures do not do it
justice. We had fun just wandering through the endless aisles and rows of gorgeous flowers and trees and plants, and as you can see we also had fun posing for pictures. I love the two pictures of us being attacked by the petunia. Ever went to sniff a petunia and it w
rapped itself around your nose??? I could have a blast at this place, although I wouldn't know where to even start. There are so many different types of plants, and they each have different needs to thrive. I'm overwhelmed at the prospect of landscaping our land when we build our house. I am recruiting my mom to come and help me because she really loves this kind of stuff (I do to, but she has loved it longer than me). Anways, I had a really fun time, and the
best thing I bought with all my shopping was an Il Divo CD. Boy oh boy.....they are quite the group!!! Notice that they are my new background music :)