This past weekend I was able to drive to Boise and visit with my mom for a few days.
We had so much fun doing what we do best...watching movies, eating, shopping (I performed a wardrobe intervention on my mom!!!) She took me to this amazing nursery that has got to be the best nursery out is unbelievable and the pictures do not do it
justice. We had fun just wandering through the endless aisles and rows of gorgeous flowers and trees and plants, and as you can see we also had fun posing for pictures. I love the two pictures of us being attacked by the petunia. Ever went to sniff a petunia and it w
rapped itself around your nose??? I could have a blast at this place, although I wouldn't know where to even start. There are so many different types of plants, and they each have different needs to thrive. I'm overwhelmed at the prospect of landscaping our land when we build our house. I am recruiting my mom to come and help me because she really loves this kind of stuff (I do to, but she has loved it longer than me). Anways, I had a really fun time, and the
best thing I bought with all my shopping was an Il Divo CD. Boy oh boy.....they are quite the group!!! Notice that they are my new background music :)
Glad to have you back!!! But it looks like you had a great time wiht your mom so that is good too.
I had no idea that you were into flowers and landscaping so much, but I guess it goes well with your architectual/creativity side.
I love the last pic of you and your mom together; you both look beautiful and happy! I'm glad you were able to take a trip after the semester!
you guys look so cute! That's so fun that you could go visit & hang out. Dif you take Riley with you? I can't believe that you & Ben are lraving in 12 days!!! I'm so jealous!!!! Have a blast!!!
Darci, you look so pretty in these pictures along with your lovely mother - I love your brown hair.
way cute pics!! And you crack me up with the flowers wrapping around your nose!! hehe. And you are so welcome for watching Riley. I love to watch him. In a way he's kinda like my own. I dont really have a problem diciplining him:) He makes me laugh. Im glad you had fun in Idaho. Yes we had fun 4 wheeling but you had fun too!!! Dont feel like you missed out. The pics on my blog of Riley are freaking hillarious though hu!!! I told him to smile and I got his cheez face!!! I love it! I have a couple others that you need to see. ok ill stop rambling-c ya!
Thank you for being so into One Republic! Hunter came home today telling me that he knows a new song, called "Its Too Late". He's all "its too late to buy a toilet! its too late to buy a car! its too late to buy a vacuum! Its too late to buy a door!" I was soo confused, what kind of song is that?! He listed all these girls at school who know the song, and the tuen did seem vaguely familiar...but really really weird!Four hours later I figured it out- he's singing their misunderstood version of "its too late to APOLOGIZE", not buy a toilet!!!!! so I pulled up your blog and made him listen!
Enjoy your laugh over THAT!
I love your pictures! I'm glad you had a great time!
I just saw your blog link and wanted to say Hi! Your blog is so cute and your little boy is darling!! I just started my blog and I am not so good at it yet... people tell me I will get better, but I think they are wrong! Hope all is well with you. It looks like you had a great trip to Idaho! hope it was ok I dropped by your blog :) It will be fun to keep in touch...
<3 Julia Stallings
<3 Julia Stallings
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