Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting a pumpkin the FUN way!

We went to the red barn in Santaquin where we heard you could go on a hay ride to a pumpkin patch, and then pick a pumpkin! So that's what we did last night with Riley, and I'm really glad we did! It was the perfect evening to go...nice and sunny but also nice and chilly :) I LOVE fall!
Ben and I decided that Riley would pick the pumpkin....but our desire to get the best pumpkin possible won out when Riley picked and OKAY pumpkin and Ben and I had our eyes on a PERFECT pumpkin. So we did something very devious....Riley only thinks he picked the pumpkin, but as Riley and I walked back toward the hay ride, Ben picked up the perfect pumpkin. Oh well, as long as Riley thinks he got to pick!

Yes, we took Riley in his pajamas and I was basically in mine too. But oh well, if people like our fashion sense....great! If not....even better!!!



Sounds like fun! That is a perfect pumpkin and I love your new family picture in your header!

Tanya said...

You crack me up! haha...you mean old parents, you! That sounds so fun tho!!! I've wanted to go many times...maybe we'll actaully DO that soon! LOL!

Oh, jammies aer great. They keep kids warm and they're comfy! I used to wear sweats for any drive longer than two hours. And that was NOT pregnant!

ciara said...

I love your new picture!!! I cant wait till we get ours!!! I actually saw it at my moms house yesterday (your pic). And the hayride sounds so fun! I think I want to go do that! Would that be weird, Kade and I going, without kids:) hehe! I guess Kade is a kid, Im kinda like the mom because I clean up after him! And thats so funny that Riley thought he picked out the pumpkin! You little devils! I cant wait to watch him on Friday.

Becca said...

I need to find a pumpkin patch in this area; it looks like fun. Plus, I ALWAYS wear my pajamas around everywhere.

Michelle said...

Jammas are way more comfy! Looks like so much fun. We need to go! Your family pic is so great!

Remember to Breathe said...

DARCI!!! Congratulations on the baby! I'm excited for you guys! Will you find out what you're having? I'm so jealous. Rio needs a brother. Your new family picture is darling. It looks like things are going well for your guys. Are you finished with school?