Wednesday, October 29, 2008


No pictures for this post, but I think you will be grateful because what I am so proud of finally doing is placing a urinary catheter! All throughout nursing school I have not had the opportunity to place a catheter...and it has been driving me crazy because I really need the experience before I become a "real" nurse. Well, the other day I got my chance thanks to my nurse preceptor who is an awesome teacher. She is the nurse who is helping me at Nephi hospital (which I love!) for my last clinical. The lucky patient was a very old man, which for some reason made me less nervous. It went great! Some people might think a catheter is easy to do, and I'm sure it is after you've done it a lot. But the whole procedure has to be sterile and done just right to prevent infection, so at first it's a little tricky. Anyway, sorry to bore with my big "milestone". Now I just need to master I.V.'s.

Things have been busy lately so I don't post as much, but I have to mention that this pregnancy has been brutal so far in comparison to my first. If the wrong thing pops up on my T.V. (for example a picture of a piece of chicken) I run the bathroom and...well, you know. I can't even wear a certain pair of earrings because they make me sick. I bought them during a really rough week when I was really sick every day, and I guess they bring it all back for me. I'm just barely getting to the point where I can look at the grocery adds without gagging. Riley thinks the whole thing is funny. He likes to run with me to the toilet and laugh at me! Little punk :)

So there's a little bit of an update! I'm not posting this so anyone will feel sorry for me. I actually find it all very funny! To think that this little person inside me is causing me all this grief....and yet I already love him/her SO much. Next post I'll put up some good pics. But for this post, a urinary catheter and puking don't exactly make for great pics!!!



Too funny! Congrats on your milestone(I think?) One that I hope I will never acheive! :) Sorry your are so sick! My first was the worst but my second wasn't far behind(as far as sickness goes.)

Anonymous said...

YOU JOB IS MAKING ME WANT TO PUKE! Catheters and I.V.'s I don't know how you do it?

Good job, and good luck!

Heidi said...

Congrats on the catheter! I hope if I ever need a catheter, you're there to do it...jk
Sorry about the sickness.

cpcox99 said...

I hope you feel better soon. That's so not fun being nauseated.

Way to go on the catheter too. They are hard to do - not that I've done one, but I've seen poor Landon have one put in about 6 times.

Tanya said...

yuck, and thank you for not sharing photos of any of it! LOL!
Seriously tho, its a good thing there are people like you becuase if the world was full of people like me, everyone would die fast. Anything medical FREAKS me out for hours. Or days. And hey, I haven't gotten over meat problems and how old is my baby?! :P

Laura said...

Way to go on the catheter Darci! That's quite an achievment! So sorry about the pukies! I don't get why that is so funny to a kid, but Evan thinks it's pretty humorous as well! Hope it goes away must be a girl and your hormones are totally disagreeing! We'll see, right? We find out on Nov. 17th what we are you have your ultrasound appointment set up yet? We'll have to do a celebratory dinner when we all find out! Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I am excited for you milestone. I also know how you feel with puking. I was that sick with Zoe!

Becca said...

Yeay! You did it. I remember when I had to have a urinary tract, but that is a story for another time. Great job! And I can't wait to see Riley's Halloween costume.