Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fun Times!

We had a good time this year over Christmas! Ben had a few days off, and we enjoyed just being together and doing....whatever! Riley broke out with a rash at 4:30 am on December 24th, but I got him into the doctor later that morning and found out it wasn't chicken pox but rather a viral exanthema...not too contagious but still itchy. Wierd! But we were still able to have fun over the next few days with eachother and friends and family. Hope everyone else had fun too! And not too much stress :) My Dad and I. He was trying to make friends with this crazy horse who had been bucking at us when we first came to the farm. Looks like they are new buddies!
Ben, Darci, and Riley on the four wheeler pulling Ben and Sam on the sleds. Riley liked being on the fourwheeler watching Ben and Sam struggle to stay on the sleds and try to avoid the big weeds we would pull them through for the fun of it! My brother Ben actually got a bloody nose...all part of the fun :)

Family picture on Roger's four wheeler. Someday we will have our own, but where would we put it right now??? We have no room!

Riley got a new room! We moved him into the bigger room since we will be needing the baby room for the baby. His new room is Disney Cars themed. I couldn't get the whole room in the picture, but you get the idea. So far he is doing okay in it, but we are working on getting him to spend the WHOLE night in his new bed, not just the first half, after which he ends up in our room sleeping on the floor. I wouldn't mind so much except when he's dreaming he whines and kicks the floor really hard with his feet (like a tantrum) so this obviously interferes with my sleep! So I usually go into HIS room and sleep the rest of the night on his bed.

This kid LOVES four wheelers. I guess most kids probably do, but he just feels like such a MAN when he is on a four wheeler! We would like to get him his own little one someday soon when we have more space.

Our best Christmas present of all! Of course he just HAD to climb in this box.

We had a really fun Christmas together. Riley's really gotten excited about Christmas this year. He's loved having the tree with the lights, making treats, giving away treats, and eating treats. He loves seeing Christmas lights everywhere, the snow, the whole deal. So it has been really fun watching him enjoy the season. His favorite Christmas present from Santa (why does this guy always get all the credit???) was a big black remote control truck. I honestly think this is just as much for Ben as for Riley, but hey it's something they both love!


Tori said...

It looks like you guys had a great Christmas. It was good to see you at the breakfast. Hope the new year brings your family great things.

Tanya said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like you guys had a good time! Hope you didn't get caught in any storms like we did.

Anonymous said...

I love the sledding pictures! It looks like you guys had a fun Christmas! I LOVE Riley in the box! That made me laugh! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. I love Riley's bedroom set. Ben did a great job!

Becca said...

I had fun seeing you at Christmas! I am hoping to come again in February, so we'll have to spend more time then.

Riley's room looks great!

Heidi said...

Sounds nice. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. Happy New Year!

Laura said...

Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas!! That is the exact same bed-rail that we have for our boys! Hey, I have a big favor to ask of me when you get a minute! Have a super Happy New Year!!

ciara said...

Oh my gosh! I love all your pictures! I think my favorite one is Riley inside the box! Thats hilarious! And what a cute room. I love all of Ben's work-he is so talented!

Chad & Angela Nuttall said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun, that's awesome! We need to have you guy over sometime we haven't seen you in FOREVER...we miss you guys and love you all!!

Sam and Stacia said...

That picture of Riley in the box cracks me up! And I love your main family picture! Riley is looking so grown up, and it seems like it just happened overnight!