Saturday, November 12, 2011

Basement Progress, Mom and Chris Visit

I can't believe this LONG journey we've been on with the basement. I will post pictures soon of the finished product, but here are some from a couple weeks ago.

These two are SO helpful (snort). But the important thing is that they WANT to help, so that's a good thing, right? Hopefully that will continue with chores.

One of my favorite pictures of Ben and Riley. I love these two so much! They make me laugh.

My Mom and my brother Chris came to visit last month and we had so much fun! I felt bad for them though because they had to sleep on our couches. Next time they come our basement will be done and they can sleep in style. We all went to get pumpkins and the weather was so perfect.

My cute little boy...but don't tell him that. He gets ticked! The only thing I can say is "You look cool!" Or "You look awesome!"
Yes Mom, you have beautiful teeth :)
This is the coolest picture! It was my Mom's idea. We hiked Bald Mountain and this was on the way down. In the background you can see all the beautiful lakes. Those are my shoes on the left (the only stylish ones), my Mom's in the middle, and Chris' on the right.
It was COLD! And I was so unprepared. I am wearing my mom's extra jacket, my mom's hat, and my mom's gloves. She is taking the picture and she was completely naked :) That's my awesome mountain climber brother behind me.
Me and my "little" bro. He has the long luscious hair I dream of.
A bunch of beauties we are ;)

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