Monday, December 26, 2011

Life Lately

Our two cute kids. It's funny because Riley will NOT let me be in the room when he undresses under any circumstances, but once he's in the bath he has NO qualms about being naked. Or once he's in the shower then I can wash his hair and back and ears, but I better not see him naked before he gets in :) Then there is Malia, who loves being naked or at least commando. She has this favorite dress which she has worn ragged, and somehow even though she begins the day wearing underwear she manages to not wear any most of the day. Can't say I blame her.
Ben and I had to laugh at what kind of parents we must have looked like if our neighbors happened to see. It was a fairly cold day. Riley is wearing what for some reason is his favorite shirt, and Malia has just underwear on, and they are running around outside tied together with my scarves. Oh my goodness! It was fun see him run down the sidewalk and her try to keep up just for the sake of not falling!
I've got to say, we have been VERY pre-occupied this fall and winter with finishing our basement. It has been very stressful, and our poor kids have been a little neglected by us but have also seemed to grow closer. So here they are decorating the tree a little later than we normally would. Riley was so sweet teaching Malia how to hang the ornaments. And there she is in the dress! She wears it pretty much every day unless I hide it. But then she worries all day about where it might be until I finally "find" it and put it on her.

I stained these baseboards, every last one and this isn't even half of it. I can't really talk much more about it because it brings up bad memories.

And there I am living out my bad memory. I am holding a brush with stain. Blah. And no makeup for added effect.

Words can't express how much I love these two! I mean look how cute they are.

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