Tuesday, December 27, 2011


This is going to be my last post before I have everything on the blog so far made into a book. My first post was in December 2007, so that would be FOUR years of posts! Wow, that will make a great book for our family. I hope it turns out well. I plan on continuing this blog. I don't at all do it these days to update/show off to family and friends.....beside I think most people are kind of winding down on the blog world and it seems to have shifted to Facebook. But I still find this to be an excellent way to "scrapbook" if you will. Anyway, here are a few Christmas pictures to wind up the year! Happy 2012!
What a perk it is to have a child old enough and willing to deliver all the neighbor gifts while I stay warm in the car. Well, I MADE the treats, after all :)

Riley was a little shy, but he solemnly told Santa that he wanted a big red bean bag for Christmas. He is such a good boy! I think he just might get his wish.

Malia had to show Santa her owy (sp?) first thing. It's her way of breaking the ice. Either that or showing her painted nails. That is how she starts conversations with people she is warming up to. She asked for a dollhouse. I wonder where she got the idea to ask for a dollhouse? Luckily Santa had a nice one already picked out for her!

Well if she has to, why shouldn't he?

My family came over Christmas Eve and we had such a great time. I can't believe how much delicious food Laurie brought. We felt so lucky!

Malia with her new sunglasses. This girl must always have at least 2 accessories on, and lip gloss must never be far away. It makes me laugh, I love it! I think it's safe to say these kids love their Grandparents, and that the feeling is mutual :)

Christmas morning!!! What do you know...a big red beanbag.

Riley got a laser light....probably one of his favorite toys, and may be the cheapest too.

Aaaannd here we go with lip gloss, and necklace, and bracelet, painted nails and painted toes. And there is that dollhouse in the background. It's huge! I'm worried she will try to occupy it and then it will fall over on her.

Huge Zebra! I love this Zebra because you can pick it's nose. It's nostrils go in about 2 inches.

And Malia's enormous Elephant. Only problem with these two huge stuffed animals was that the kids now want to take them everywhere. Get's to be inconvenient.

Awww. These two are a cute pair. I love watching the way Ben interacts with Malia. It's a very funny and sweet relationship.

Me and Riley and......I barely recognize her. I think that's Malia.

Favorite cousins by the Christmas tree at Grandma and Grandpa Cooks, where we also had a great time. I love watching these two grow up together. When they get together they are quite a pair.

We had a wonderful Christmas. It came quickly because we have been so busy. We did accomplish our goal of finishing the basement, and I'm so happy about that. But I also feel terrible because many things have gone by the wayside, like going to the temple! I would like to start going much more regularly. I am so thrilled we will have a temple here in Payson. My mom is coming to visit in a couple weeks, so even though Christmas crept up on us, we are extending it a little for when she's here. Can't wait! But that will be another post, and I guess the first entry in another book...bye!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Looks like a great Christmas!! We totally missed getting over to your house. Seriuosly, we need to get together. New years resolution! :D