Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 2013

Our first snowstorm.  It was a pretty good one, but it was just a one
day deal and afterwards we went about 3 weeks without snow.
Something about this snowman having 4 balls throws me off. Ha ha!!!

These two enjoyed this bath immensely!  Gracie was flapping her arms
the whole time, as Gracie does, and was whacking Malia and splashing
water all over.  The picture looks calm, but there was a lot of excitement!

We get lots of beautiful sunsets....just don't usually take pictures of them.

I can't believe we have a tree big enough to make an actual leaf pile!
This is the first year I've actually had to rake up leaves.  Yay poplar!!!

Modeling her new hat and mittens...and demonstrating
that she's tolerating the Bumbo seat much better now.

Malia made a little pilgrim hat at preschool, and it made
perfect sense to put it on the elephant.

Just realized I really don't have too many of the three kidlets together.
There are no words to describe how much they mean to me.  Yes
they cause me moments of insanity, many moments, all day every day.
BUT, they are worth every bit of insanity, and truth be told, I need
that insanity to keep me sane.  I know, makes no sense.  

She gets one of these pictures every month for her baby book.
What a cutie!

Malia looooooves her "sissy".  It really is so adorable.  

Nice pose babe!

This was the morning of Thanksgiving, hanging out in Moroni
target shooting.  Gracie and I gracefully declined.  Next year!

The tree is upstairs this year again, where it belongs.
The last two years we've had it downstairs, but we spend
way more time hanging out upstairs.  Christmas tree lights
help create the best feeling.  We have them on all the time.
And Gracie is at the age where she loves to lay under the
tree and swat at it, but she's not mobile enough to pull
ornaments off, like Malia was her first Christmas.

It's time to introduce rice cereal, but we thought we'd better start
with whip cream to help her get priorities straight.

Where's Waldo, I mean Ellie the Elf???  She came
back again this year, and she moves to a new location
each night.  I'm sure it's hard for her to remember to
do this each and EVERY night until Christmas.  I'm
sure sometimes she forgets until the middle of the night
and has to get out of bed and do it before the kids
get suspicious, but she does it, for the sake of the littles!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

hahahaha, love the final comment about the elf. :)