Tuesday, January 7, 2014

December 2013 Part 3

The big day arrived, and Santa brought Malia the requested bow and arrow!
Santa brought Riley a lava lamp, but wouldn't you know it broke.  That is
a major bummer.  I found one at Walmart, same brand as the one Santa
brought (hmmmmmm) and it's not doing so hot either.  Wierd!  We may
have to find him a really cool one somewhere else and have a talk with Santa.

Riley and Malia are pet owners.  Tiny turtles are much easier and quieter
than bunnies.  They are named, by their respective owners, Scooter and
Christina.  Scooter makes sense.  Christina????  Oh, and I saw Christina
crawl/swim over to Scooter the other day and lift a "hand" and slap Scooter.

K, umm, priceless!!!  There's the beautiful brown hair,
the raised eyebrows (even in the middle where there are no
eyebrows), the beautiful blue eyes, button nose, sweet little
mouth, puffed up chest, enormous full belly, "muscly" arms,
the way she perches on my arm and grabs my thumb for
balance.  I never, ever want to forget this.  Oh and don't
forget my aching arm now that Gracie is the queen of chub,
and the way she looks at me accusingly every time I
lay her down.  Yes, she loves her rides around the house.

I love Malia's face in this.  So posed.  

She was doing this to herself.  For fun.

Nothing quite like big bags of candy to prop you
up when your own stomach muscles aren't up to it.

Let's none of us be normal, k?  But to explain, they are each
playing with a present they got from GREAT Grandma and
Grandpa Blacker.  Riley has fake snow, Malia a Hello Kitty
lunch box, and Gracie the chew toy, nice for her first little tooth.
Christmas Eve, after opening presents.  Yep, we opened all the presents
Christmas eve because we had to leave the next morning for the
Hansen breakfast in FG.  It was pretty cool doing it this way, actually.

Ellie's last night.  Goodbye Ellie.  Oh how we will miss you.  It was
so fun to watch you try to figure out a new and creative place to turn
up each and EVERY morning in December.  And equally fun explaining
why sometimes, you didn't move at all!  We can't be perfect, can we, Ellie.

Well, the other two minions are allergic, but maybe this one will
get away without allergies.  Cute new puppy.

She looks uncertain.  She probably is wondering
what his beard tastes like.

New jammies.  She was able to name all the princesses.
They forgot one.  Princess Malia!!!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Your kids are adorable, and your captions crack me up! :)