Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lately Riley has been talking a lot to inanimate objects. I'm guessing that's normal?! Anyways it's really cute, and Copper (see stuffed dog at right) is his favorite little buddy and goes everywhere with him. I heard Riley put Copper in time-out this morning "for hitting", and he sat there and said "No no no no! Copper, time out!" I think Copper looks pretty remorseful, don't you?

1 comment:

ciara said...

O my goodness!!! So I just read your blog for the first time in a while!! Riley is such a funny kid!! I love to watch him cause he is so entertaining. He makes me laugh so hard. When I watched him, we played this little game and all it was, was me and him sitting on oposite sides of my bathroom door, pushing a small red ball (actually one of the berries he ripped off my snowman)under the door to each other-for a 1/2 hour!!! O my gosh.......the life of a two year old. It was so fun though. I love his copper dog that he insists on taking everywhere. And I love this pic of him putting copper in time out!! Priceless.