Friday, January 18, 2008

Party Animals!

On Wednesday, Ben and I had a great time at the One Republic concert. We went out to dinner first at Fudruckers (I always feel guilty saying that word!) with our friends Ben and Laura and their two boys Evan and Dillon. Then they took Riley with them and Ben and I headed off to the concert! We had to park so far away and it was FREEZING. Then when we went through security, the security guy made me open my purse and I felt so guilty because I was trying to smuggle in a bag of chocolate. Sure enough he said I had to throw it away, and pointed to the garbage can. So I walked over and pretended to throw it away, not sure if he was watching me or not. I continued walking and really expected to be tackled, but luckily he didn't tackle me and I made my escape with my chocolate safely tucked away in my purse!

The concert was really cool, although I couldn't believe how long it was before One Republic came out. The concert started at 7:30 pm, and I figured it would probably be over by 9:30. Well, One Republic didn't even come out until 9:30!!! But it was worth it because they were wonderful. The lead singer seems really cool, just like a normal guy. He even said some dumb things like everyone does, which makes him endearing. This is the first concert we've been to for probably 10 years, so it was long overdue!


Becca said...

Who the heck are the One Republic??? Sounds like fun!

Yeah, Ivan and I went to Faith Hill/Tim McGraw concert a few weeks after Maks was born. It was Ivan's first concert, so we were stoked. I forgot about the stupid opening band and so it didn't get started for FOREVER. Since it was on a week night, we felt bad staying out too late, so we left the concert early. I heard it went on for 2 more hours after we left. I still feel so guilty for leaving in the middle of Tim's half of the show... oh well.

Laura said...

We are glad you guys had a good time! It was fun watching Riley. He and Evan get along pretty well and it's fun to watch them play together. It's actually more fun to listen to them play together when they think you are NOT watching! We'll have to get together again soon!

cpcox99 said...

I can't even remember the last time I went to a concert. Sounds like you guys had fun. And I hear you on the Fuddrucker's thing. It almost sounds like a bad word. :)