Friday, May 30, 2008

Liberty Park

There's a bird in the shadow there. It bites. I know. It bit my finger when I offered it.
My adorable brother Chris, explaining some deep life lesson to Riley about how to be cool.
I operated these rides when I was 14. And teenagers are still in charge. Kinda scary but hey even teenagers need money! Riley fought the young worker who tried to get him out of the plane when the ride was over.....arched back, kicking, screaming, the works.
One of my favorite pictures! Riley is such a little dude.
I think Riley is smiling behind that bar. He loved this ride, even when we threatened to throw him overboard he thought it was a good idea :)
Liberty park is still beautiful, but not like I remember as a kid. If you go there you can see the groundskeeper has taken some time off.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I remember going to Liberty Park a couple times. Sean and Aaron always told me scary stories about weirdos and crazy people and I remember (I think it was you) that told me about someone getting shot there, so I was always scared of that park... Looks pretty harmless to me.