Sunday, November 2, 2008


So there's this little cat that hangs around our house sometimes, and he's REALLY friendly and has a real healthy sense of entitlement. This cat has several times darted into our house and casually walked around as if he belongs there. But you can see he's a fun cat, because he dove right into this pile of leaves with Riley.

We went last Sunday up the Nebo Loop and had a picnic. Riley was in heaven being up on the mountain. The only way we could get him back to the car was to pretend that a bear was chasing us!

I love this picture because they are making the same wierd face.

Eating our healthy lunch of cheez-its! Halloween pictures soon to come!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Why doesn't it surprise me that YOU of all people would coerce your little, vulnerable, innocent son by scaring him about bears. You always did have an imagination!