Friday, May 29, 2009

The Kiddo's and The House

Aren't these two cute! Riley definately loves Malia. He gets upset with me if I call her a name like hungry hippo, or little missy, or whatever he thinks might hurt her feelings, and he lets me know that I shouldn't talk like that to her :)
We've been spending a LOT of late nights at our new house painting and putting in this stair railing. Very time consuming but fun (except for that one night we were painting until four am.)

I thought I flipped this picture, but you get the idea. Basically what we have here is a cute little girl sticking her tongue out at me.

The front of the house. To be honest, we aren't too crazy about the stripes and didn't know the builders were going to go zebra on us. Tell us what you think about them because all I can think of is candycanes!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I have a picture similar to this that Riley has in his room on his nightstand and he just loves it. So we did one for her too so they could each have a special picture with me :)
I LOVE her little rosebud lips in this picture! She didn't just happen to be puckering...I had just pulled a binkie out of her mouth.

Okay, THIS is my sweet little chubby (and getting chubbier each day) girl! I love her all snuggled up, with the double chin which she got from her daddy ;)

And how could I leave out the picture of a furious Malia? I love how newborns tongues curl up when they are really mad!

She really has a lot of similarities to Riley when he was a baby. It's fun to get a lot of the same snapshots that I got of Riley, such as this one with her all snuggly in my bed.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey Ya'll

I cannot believe how fast our home is being built! I swear it took just one week to go from a foundation to this! We are so excited to have our own house....the townhome has been great, but oh to have more space and a basement and a garage!!! Of course the big worry has been if we'll be able to sell our townhome in time because two mortgage payments sounds awful. Well, we accepted an offer today (not a very great offer, but hey we are grateful!) and so hopefully everything will work out.

Here we have Malia and her cousing Brynlee! They are just eight days apart, though Malia looks like she could squash little Brynlee! Brynlee is special because she is the first girl for Ben's brother and his wife....they have five boys, and of course they are all special too!

I wanted to get a picture of Malia's room. It's hard to tell, but there are different shades of plum, lavender, and purple. Ben made the wood letters that spell her name...what talent!

Take notice of the quilt! My friend Staci made this quilt for me, and it's almost like she could read my mind when she made it because it is SO perfect in malia's room. I love it! And I am amazed at how nice people have been with all the wonderful gifts we have received for Malia. I have gotten some really cool quilts, tons of outfits, bows, etc. People are so generous, and they make me want to be more thoughtful and giving to others :)

My dear hubby turned 30 (gulp!) on Saturday! We ate at Tucanos and then went to see Star Trek, which was SUCH a great movie. We thank Ciara and Kade for watching our kiddos. They are so nice to do that, and trust me we REALLY needed a date!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The time has come.... go private!!! Please leave your email in my comments or email me your email address at For my reasons for going private, please see pictures below :)I need to protect these "three" kids! Ben is so sexy that he is prone to being stalked. I wouldn't want him to be kidnapped by any of his stalkers who just want him for his Arnold Schwarzeneggar body!!!
One of the many faces of Malia! Anyone who's ever taken a moment to watch a newborns faces knows it can be hilarious!

My Mom came for a few days and came bearing many gifts for BOTH kids (smart lady to make Riley feel special too!) We had a really fun time and went to many movies, out to eat many times, got Malia's pictures done, and went for a nice long walk with Riley on his new bike!

I know Riley's hugeness in this picture has a lot to do with camera position, but STILL! He is large and she is so small :) I've always thought Riley has a big head (Ben calls it a big melon), and the other day we went to buy him a helmet and had to get him the 8 years plus size! I love my kids!

Having two is....nice at moments like these! But the moments aren't always like these :) For the most part it is going fine. Overwhelming, but quickly turning into the new normal for us like everyone said it would. Sometimes it's fun to take care of Malia and enjoy the way she is now, then go be with Riley and laugh at the funny way he is now. Last night he yelled out to me from his bed while he was trying to get to sleep. He said "Mommy, guess what! I think I have a bad dream in my tummy!" I thought for a second to make sure I heard right, then said "Okay...well, try to have a good dream." He replied "Okay, I'll dream about good cops."