Friday, May 29, 2009

The Kiddo's and The House

Aren't these two cute! Riley definately loves Malia. He gets upset with me if I call her a name like hungry hippo, or little missy, or whatever he thinks might hurt her feelings, and he lets me know that I shouldn't talk like that to her :)
We've been spending a LOT of late nights at our new house painting and putting in this stair railing. Very time consuming but fun (except for that one night we were painting until four am.)

I thought I flipped this picture, but you get the idea. Basically what we have here is a cute little girl sticking her tongue out at me.

The front of the house. To be honest, we aren't too crazy about the stripes and didn't know the builders were going to go zebra on us. Tell us what you think about them because all I can think of is candycanes!


Tanya said...

Cuuuute kids!!! :) Of course!
I like your house. I don't think the stripy things are bad. But it reminds me of the touches they used to put on houses and I lvoe old houses sooo.....
My problem with it is that you are going to be BLOCKS AND BLOCKS away!!! :(

Sam and Stacia said...

I can't believe how fast your house has gone up! It's looking good. We are thinking of putting an offer on that house by you (we told you the wrong one the first time) so we could maybe be neighbors soon :) We could trade babysitting for eggs, we always seem to be borrowing eggs from Kade and Ciara :)

DebLawson said...

The house is gorgeous! I love it!!

Where are you living until the house is finished, or is the house done now?


The baby is darling! Oh my... such a sweetheart!