Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey Ya'll

I cannot believe how fast our home is being built! I swear it took just one week to go from a foundation to this! We are so excited to have our own house....the townhome has been great, but oh to have more space and a basement and a garage!!! Of course the big worry has been if we'll be able to sell our townhome in time because two mortgage payments sounds awful. Well, we accepted an offer today (not a very great offer, but hey we are grateful!) and so hopefully everything will work out.

Here we have Malia and her cousing Brynlee! They are just eight days apart, though Malia looks like she could squash little Brynlee! Brynlee is special because she is the first girl for Ben's brother and his wife....they have five boys, and of course they are all special too!

I wanted to get a picture of Malia's room. It's hard to tell, but there are different shades of plum, lavender, and purple. Ben made the wood letters that spell her name...what talent!

Take notice of the quilt! My friend Staci made this quilt for me, and it's almost like she could read my mind when she made it because it is SO perfect in malia's room. I love it! And I am amazed at how nice people have been with all the wonderful gifts we have received for Malia. I have gotten some really cool quilts, tons of outfits, bows, etc. People are so generous, and they make me want to be more thoughtful and giving to others :)

My dear hubby turned 30 (gulp!) on Saturday! We ate at Tucanos and then went to see Star Trek, which was SUCH a great movie. We thank Ciara and Kade for watching our kiddos. They are so nice to do that, and trust me we REALLY needed a date!


Melissa said...

I can't believe Ben is 30!!!!! Do you feel old? :) I want to know when the big party is. I'm already planning Brian's for January. :)
Darci! Did you just have a baby? You look SOOOO good! And your house looks so wonderful and exciting. We are so excited for you guys and we can't wait to see it all finished!

Tanya said...

Wow...I am seriously gonna cry! I HATE that ya'll keep leaving me! :(

...but I am glad you're selling and moving up in the world!

You crack me up about the 30 thing....some other people are getting pretty close too ya know... lol! :D So envious of the date tho.

Happy Birthday Ben!


How exciting that you are building a house! Hope the sale on the town home goes through. We had double mortgage payments for quite a while after we bought the house we are in and it was not fun! For some reason I though Cameron and Stephanie were having another boy? I'm so happy they finally got a girl! Malia's room is super cute and I'm glad you guys went out and had fun for Ben's birthday. I totally want to see Star Trek! Everyone says it is SO good!

Tori said...

Holy Cow! where have I been... I didnt know you guys were building a house. Where is it at? It looks really nice. I am so happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of Malia!! Yeah for your house. Is it really up by us? They are going up really fast!! We have walked througha couple and love the floor plan. I can't believe how cute Malia is. her bedroom is wonderful!!