Monday, July 8, 2013

End of June/Early July 2013

We went to a "fun" center in Sandy, and I'd had about
all the "fun" I could stand that day before we even got there. 
It had been Ben's nephew Tyrel's luncheon earlier and we
were dying of heat!  So we thought we'd kill some time afterwards
 at this fun center and get relief from the heat......except it was
sadly under-air conditioned, and no comfortable seating
for certain big fat pregnant ladies!  Anyways, it's about 
the kids having fun, and they did.  But I will never forget
watching Ben and the kids on the SLOWEST bumper
cars with the weirdest music playing in the background.  It
felt like watching senior citizen style bumper cars!  Made me 
glad that Ben is the designated person to go on these 
lame little rides with the kids ;)

A little friendly game of air hockey.

The ride home after Tyrel and Katie's reception was a hoot
because the kids had the giggles BAD!  And Malia kept saying
"Oh, I gotta go potty soooo bad!"  So we kept teasing her about
not peeing in her car seat.  It was a funny joke until...........

...........we were in the parking lot at Smith's waiting for Ben to
run in and grab something, when Malia said "Hey! Why is my
seat wet?"  Riley and I laughed and thought it was a funny coincidence
that she had spilled a little water and we had been teasing her about
peeing her pants.  Except......she actually HAD pee'd in her seat I
soon discovered!  I wonder if she was really as surprised as we
were or if she was even aware as she was peeing her seat on the
way home!  They were laughing pretty hard, so I can see how it
could happen.  After all, I pee my pants all the time these days.

We had a tinfoil dinner cookout up the canyon with a bunch of
friends from the neighborhood.  These are just the girls.  There were
LOTS of kids running around, and of course all the manly men.  We
have a lot of great people in our neighborhood.  Why are the two
very pregnant girls in the front?  Oh yeah, I remember....we were
too lazy to get out of our chairs.

Not sure why I am including this picture, since I already took
a similar picture to document the enormity of my body (see last post).
 But I liked this shirt.  I don't know now though looking at it.....ruffles on a
 pregnant belly.  Maybe that's actually a fashion no no.

I am not the only one losing my mind!  I told Riley to put his dirty
socks in the laundry, and he went and tossed them in the toilet!  Whaaa?

Poor Malia....we made her pose in front of the huge mess she made,
and she was still tearful about it.  She spilled a whole bowl of
watermelon on the carpet.  Yes we were upset, but she's so cute
when she's in trouble and get's teary.  But man she is clumsy!

I feel like I've been such a crappy mom lately.  It's been sooo hot
and I am sooo pregnant.  I'm snappy at the kids at times, even the
unborn one :)  So I thought I'd be cool and set up the tent for them.
It lived in our living room for about a week, and was filled full of
every stuffed animal the kids own, plus blankets and pillows.  They
slept in it a few times, and this picture was taken one morning at
about 11am (lazy!).  You can see Riley's head on the left under the
green sleeping bag, and Malia's on the right in her striped PJ's.

Ben has been so great at taking the kids places even when I don't
feel up to it and stay home.  This is the fourth of July parade in
Moroni.  Ben says it was nice overcast weather, but it really
heated up later afterwards, which makes me glad I made the choice
to stay home and relax with my AC on!  I'm scared for the electric bill.

I came down around 7 and we BBQ'd at Roger and Marianne's
before heading up to the ball field to hang out and watch fireworks.

This is a very unattractive picture of me, but it's the only one we have
of our time at the ball field waiting for the fireworks.  It's always my
favorite part of the 4th...after the sun goes down, hanging out on the
grass, people watching and letting the kids run around.  Kelsey and
little Ben and Sam sat with us.  And in the background of the picture
are Dave and Raquel's family.  In front of the guy in the dark shirt (up on his
elbow) was Ben's cousin Cassidy (spooning with boy in dark shirt).
Malia wanted to be a part of their twosome, and watched the whole
firework show spooning with Cassidy, while Cassidy spooned with her
boyfriend.  It was kind of cute :)  And so romantic for all involved, I'm sure!

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