Sunday, June 22, 2008

So on Saturday we were lucky enough to go boating with some of our family, including Ciara and Kade, Sam and Stacia, Josh and Amy and their kids. Boating is so much fun as is jet skiing, and we want some!!! Someday.....
My favorite thing to do on the water is get pulled on a tube. I love it when it's going so fast and you are holding on for dear life. Well, yesterday that didn't quite happen, but we did end up under the water several times. We would be going along fine, and then the tube would nose dive into a wave and the wave would come over us and the tube would go under and so would we, although not gracefully! Except Stacia...she managed to remain graceful throughout it all, and even stayed in the tube. Meanwhile Amy and I would end up catapulted into the water, thrashing around and kicking eachother under the water. It's scary being under the water. Even though I knew my life jacket would take me up, it's still scary waiting for that to happen under the dark water. Not to mention my crazy fear of fish. I just picture very large fish swimming under me, just waiting to snap and come and GET ME! Riley LOVED the jet ski. I loved it too. I could see myself having one someday, and thoroughly enjoying it!
Ben was a stud on the wakeboard. We all got a good laugh watching his facial expressions when he would get nervous to go over a wave. But he did quite well!

I think these three guys look pretty cool in their matching life jackets. It was hilarious watching them hold on for dear life in that tube. And then they got brave and started standing up and surfing. Too fun!

Little Kortley is so cute and mellow. She and Riley get along well and they are so cute together. It was fun watching them run around the beach together and get into mischief together. Unfortunately Riley's potty training did not pay off during this boating outing. He has been doing so well at home, but throughout the day on Saturday he peed in several inappropriate places (the boat, Josh and Amy's Tahoe, etc.) And who KNOWS where else.


Anonymous said...

How fun! It looks like you guys had a BLAST! That is so funny about Riley and his potty training!

ciara said...

Ah yes! That was a very fun time!!! We need to do it more often!! Maybe when its really hot and the water is really warm then I will be brave and try the wake board:) Im kind of a chicken! And I must say you looked amazing in your hot swimming suit!!! Ow ow!!

Michelle Akauola said...

Oh I am so jealous. There is nothing better than hanging out at the lake. You looked like you had a BLAST! I love the food you eat when you are at the lake too. I love sandwiches on rolls. GOOD TIMES!

Becca said...

That is so unfair! I am totally jealous of all that water fun. I've been water skiing once in my whole life and I know I need to go again. Maybe some day... when you get your jet skis Ivan, Maks, and I will come along.

I love Ben's farmers tan!

Chad & Angela Nuttall said...

It looks like you had a great time! So ditto to Becca...I LOVE Ben's farmers tan! But when you guys do have jet skis, if you'll let us come play with you i'll make you cheesecake! :-)

Laura said...

Looks like a blast!! We are totally serious about renting jet skis and going out with you guys!! Just name a few dates that you guys are available!

Nuttcrackers said...

So I am assuming I missed our invitation? That looks like so much fun, and I am so jealous! You are such a cute family!

Jana said...

Looks like so much fun!!!