Friday, June 6, 2008

Spiderman wants to potty train!

From the time we started our potty training journey with Riley, it didn't take him long to try to manipulate the "go potty for candy system". Before we knew it, Spiderman had to go poo-poo. And when spiderman was done, he of course (as translated through Riley, his translator) needed a potty candy. Yah right, little man. You have to do the doo-doo yourself to earn a potty candy. The potty candy is in a container on the lid of the toilet tank, and surprisingly it didn't take long for Riley to realize that the candy was off limits unless he performed the glorious task of peeing in the potty. And I never thought I would be like this, but yes, I now use words like pee pee, poo poo, and potty because the alternatives just don't seem to fit in my conversations with Riley. And I never knew how really involved you have to be with your child's "anatomy" when you are potty training. The other day it hit me as Riley was sitting on the potty, and I was squatting down in front of him, and we were just patiently watching, waiting, excitedly hoping for his success, and then it happened! And he was so excited, and I was so excited, and in the joy of the moment we shared a kiss over the toilet, and I realized what unique experiences are created just by going through the process of raising a child and teaching them things. He has been SO proud of himself now, every time he uses the potty. And he takes his time picking which color of candy he wants (there are only four colors) so that can drive me nuts. Anyways, we still have a long way to go. But on days when we are home, I can put him in underwear and he will let me know if he needs to go. This is a new adventure for us, but I think we are making progress! But if Riley takes too long or makes us work too hard or clean up too many "surprises" in his underwear, we just may let him potty train the next kid (no that is not an announcement :)



Great cute that you both get so excited. I know we will to when Maddy is in the process.

Tanya said...

Good dang luck.
And yes, mommys are so weird with the words they get to use and the things they get to worry about! Who knew THAT was coming?! haha!

Becca said...

Yeay! I've been looking forward to this post for so long! I remember when Nici was getting potty trained and she had candy or little toys (the kind from the dollar store) and me and Sean and Aaron would sneak into the linen closet and eat her candy. What a bunch of piggies!