Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mom's Visit

My Mom came to visit me for my Birthday, and we had a great weekend! We went and checked out the Thanksgiving Point Gardens, and yes it was beautiful. HOWEVER...it was hot and humid. But kids never seemed to mind, so while us adults were dripping and whining, Riley was running around happy as ever!
Mom and I in front of one of the buildings. This was at the beginning when the heat actually felt good. Five minutes later, we were whining. I absolutely cannot imagine living in Arizona. Whenever it is really hot here, I can't believe that it is much hotter in other parts of the world. If I lived in Arizona, I would hide in an air conditioned basement all day! Riley and my mom had some major bonding going on this trip! She got to get in on the potty training (Riley actually asked her to "dab" him when he was done...if you know what I mean. Good boy Riley, I'm raising you right!) She got to take a trip down memory lane and remember how it was to have a toddler who assumes the bag of Doritos you bought is for him, and he MIGHT share with you. And all candy is rightfully his, and your drink is his drink. It was right up her alley!

Riley has a LOT to say lately! Even during pictures.

I really like this picture of my Mom and I. Isn't she georgeous!
I got spoiled pretty bad for my birthday. Let's just say it involved plenty of movies, restaurants, and cute new clothes. Riley was also spoiled by my Mom since his birthday is coming up. He scored a Mr. Potatoe head, race cars and his first racetrack, and some great non-spillable Diego bubbles. So yeah, Riley is pretty impressed with Grandma, and was missing her pretty bad when she left.



Thats great! There is always something special about boys and their grandma's!

cpcox99 said...

I'm glad you had so much fun. You are both gorgeous - I agree with your comments on your pictures. I'm glad you got spoiled for your birthday! I meant to tell you on Sunday and forgot, so Happy Birthday late!!

Becca said...

What a fun weekend (even if you missed Lamb Day)! I'm sorry I didn't get to spank you on Sunday, but I promise to visit you next time and make up for it.

I can't believe how young your mother looks and old you are getting (getting not looking)... You could practically be sisters about 15-20 years apart or something...

Riley is a stinker and he makes me smile even though I know he can't stand me.

Laura said...

Yeah, so we totally spaced your birthday!! I even have it written on our calendar! We were camping that weekend and I had to speak in sacrament meeting,so there was lots going on, but still no excuse!! Hope it was super happy and I am so glad that your mom could be here to share it w/you! She looks (and sounds) like an awesome mom! We'll have to do something soon!