Monday, February 4, 2008

We had SO much fun Saturday playing in the snow! We borrowed Roger's four wheeler and went to our land (I like the sound of that!) where Ben pulled us around on sleds. Pretty much everyone who took a turn had the pleasure of flying off the sled and getting a nice face wash. Yep, I had my turn too. Right after I flew off my sled (and rolled over my little brother Ben) I wondered why in the world did I bother doing my hair and makeup that morning. When your head rolls around in the snow, that stuff doesn't seem to matter anymore :) I tried to convince Ben on several occasions to get off the four wheeler and let me pull him on a sled, but he wasn't interested! How can you not be interested in being flung around in the snow! I think he enjoyed watching us and maneuvering the four wheeler so that we would fall off the sleds. The first picture is of my two little brothers, Ben and Sam. That's Riley crying under his scarf. If you zoom in you can see he's pleading with his eyes for rescue! As you can see by the last picture, the snow was very deep and Ben is working to get the four wheeler unstuck. Can you believe that the next day there was a huge snow storm that added a ton more snow! We have been pummeled this winter with snow, which is fun to see but a pain to drive in.


Tanya said...

Guess this was the weekend to spend in the snow! How nice to have your own LAND to play on!

Becca said...

Oh, what fun!! I miss our old days of sledding down the hills of Ftn. Green in our younger years.

But now I am sort of like big Ben... I am so scared of snow. Especially, since we are coming this weekend!

ciara said...

Yeeeey!! I love when someone posts something new!! Thats looks like so much fun!! Poor Riley. What a kid!! Tell Ben to quit being a baby and get in the snow!!!