Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fun Times!

We had a good time this year over Christmas! Ben had a few days off, and we enjoyed just being together and doing....whatever! Riley broke out with a rash at 4:30 am on December 24th, but I got him into the doctor later that morning and found out it wasn't chicken pox but rather a viral exanthema...not too contagious but still itchy. Wierd! But we were still able to have fun over the next few days with eachother and friends and family. Hope everyone else had fun too! And not too much stress :) My Dad and I. He was trying to make friends with this crazy horse who had been bucking at us when we first came to the farm. Looks like they are new buddies!
Ben, Darci, and Riley on the four wheeler pulling Ben and Sam on the sleds. Riley liked being on the fourwheeler watching Ben and Sam struggle to stay on the sleds and try to avoid the big weeds we would pull them through for the fun of it! My brother Ben actually got a bloody nose...all part of the fun :)

Family picture on Roger's four wheeler. Someday we will have our own, but where would we put it right now??? We have no room!

Riley got a new room! We moved him into the bigger room since we will be needing the baby room for the baby. His new room is Disney Cars themed. I couldn't get the whole room in the picture, but you get the idea. So far he is doing okay in it, but we are working on getting him to spend the WHOLE night in his new bed, not just the first half, after which he ends up in our room sleeping on the floor. I wouldn't mind so much except when he's dreaming he whines and kicks the floor really hard with his feet (like a tantrum) so this obviously interferes with my sleep! So I usually go into HIS room and sleep the rest of the night on his bed.

This kid LOVES four wheelers. I guess most kids probably do, but he just feels like such a MAN when he is on a four wheeler! We would like to get him his own little one someday soon when we have more space.

Our best Christmas present of all! Of course he just HAD to climb in this box.

We had a really fun Christmas together. Riley's really gotten excited about Christmas this year. He's loved having the tree with the lights, making treats, giving away treats, and eating treats. He loves seeing Christmas lights everywhere, the snow, the whole deal. So it has been really fun watching him enjoy the season. His favorite Christmas present from Santa (why does this guy always get all the credit???) was a big black remote control truck. I honestly think this is just as much for Ben as for Riley, but hey it's something they both love!

Friday, December 12, 2008


In the past, I have spent the month of December looking forward to (and stressing about) Christmas day. But this year, it feels different for me. Instead of focusing so much on what will take place on that one day, I am really just enjoying the season. It has been my goal this year to simplify Christmas in order to be able to relax and enjoy it. So it has been so nice this year. I think everyone realizes that most people are trying to scale it back this year with the money spending, and so the gift expectations for extended family has been very reduced. For example with the Cook family, instead of Ben, Riley and I each giving to someone, we just give something to one of the families and the price limit is $20. Similar cut backs are happening with the extended Hansen family, and I LOVE it! Not just because we are spending so much less...but it has made things so much more simple and I feel like it's taken the focus off who's getting what, and making sure we spend enough, etc. It's like a burden has been lifted, enabling us to enjoy the spirit of the season more. I hope this new "tradition" of keeping it simple can continue year after year so that we all can relax and enjoy just being together more.
After Thanksgiving, Ben and Riley were able to go with some family up to the Cook cabin to help get some Christmas trees. Riley LOVES going up on the mountain, and Ben even found a little tree for Riley which we decorated and put in his room. We didn't get a big tree for us because we have a fake tree which I love and won't part with even though Ben calls me a meanie every year and sais I'm infringing on his childhood memories of getting a live tree every year. Oh well, it's a small price for him to pay since he gets me for a wife!

And true to the words of my poem in the previous post...we have a little nose picker on our hands. The Ultrasonographer got a kick out of it, and snapped a picture for us. We are so proud of our little girl for this talent she is developing. She already takes after her big brother, who is an excellent nose picker :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008






Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Talented Ben

This is not an advertisement! But I do have to show off some of the beautiful things that Ben has built for us. Probably the biggest and best project was this beautiful door which will go in our house someday. It's so big and pretty, and it even sounds great when you knock on it! The sidelights are opaque so they are very private which was important to us.
His most recent project is Riley's new bed. He isn't sleeping in it yet, but for Christmas we plan on surprising him with a Disney Cars theme bedroom, and then we'll slowly make the switch over from the "baby" room to the big boy room. This bed is something we will have for a very long time! It's nice and sturdy, not to mention great looking.

He built this to fit in the corner of our bedroom, which is the best place for the T.V. I love this piece of furniture!

He made this frame for me one Christmas. I love the picture and wanted a nice frame for it, and walla! He made it!

These are some slanted frood storage shelves (the cans roll). It has been a nice addition to our pantry to help keep things organized. As you can see on the top shelve, we are almost out of spaghettios. Riley's likes them...probably because they are SO nutritious :)

This is Riley's toybox. He got this two years ago for Christmas, and it has been the perfect size. We realized once he wasn't a baby that he was accumulating more toys (and bigger toys) and we needed something good sized, but we wanted something that looked nice and could maybe be used someday for a storage chest.
In addition to all of these things, Ben has also built shelves for our laundry room, a huge flower box in front of our house, two big flower boxes in our backyard, a sandbox, and probably other things I am forgetting. When he builds something for us, it is always beautiful and sturdy! I'm so proud of him and this wonderful talent he has developed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This post is not meant to brag, I'm simply taking time to focus on the good things in my life! I know each and every one of us can choose to either focus on the good and positive, or to dwell on the negative and dramatic. I do have to say though, that at times in my life when I have been very down, it has been difficult to "choose" to see the good, and I'm very sorry if any of my friends or family are feeling that way at this time. If there is anyone out there who is feeling down (or outright depressed) know that I've been there and actually more people than we know have been there, and we can all relate. You are not alone in your struggles. I don't know why I felt I needed to write all that, after all, this is my "thankful" post. I just know that at times in my life I have felt alone and hopeless, and I have always had a soft spot in my heart for anyone who feels depressed, sad, low self-esteem, whatever. Okay! Enough of that! Here are some things that make me feel so LUCKY!

-I am alive! And I feel safe...many people don't. That is something to be grateful for.

-I have a family. This is a biggie. I'll have to break it down a little:

Husband: Having Ben for a husband makes me feel so lucky. I have recently been going through some big, unorganized bins of his life that turned up in storage. Included in these bins are highschool stuff, mission stuff, and every thing in between all mish mashed together in complete disorder! So I being the lucky one who organized it all was able to take a trip back in time and read some old letters that he and I had written to each other. I read one of my first letters to him, which stated something along the lines of "I'm just going to say it...I think I love you." His letters to me are so sweet and the best part is it helped me realize that he hasn't changed in how sweet he is. I highly recommend reading old love letters to help remember how it all started! I'm also grateful that he is so talented. Not only does he get up early every morning and go to work (a feat in an of itself!) but he takes time to ocassionally make us beautiful pieces of furniture, the latest being a georgeous new bed for Riley. I will post pictures of all the wonderful things he's built soon. It's not like he enjoys staying late to work to make these things, but he does it because he loves us.

Riley: How do I start? His personality has brought so much adventure to our lives! He definately tests us with his stubborness and willfullness, but I would gladly take that ten times over just to have him in our lives because he gives my life such meaning! I can't count how many times he makes us laugh, and usually it's when he is trying to be serious and tell us something REALLY serious. We both just have to turn away and hide while we laugh, and try to compose ourselves before we turn back around. He has been saying the funniest things lately. Ben was trying to take his gold fish crackers the other day, and that ticked Riley off so he said "Daddy! EVER don't you take my golfish away!" He really has not figured out yet that he is the child and we are the parents. He can often be heard saying "Don't you talk to me like that!" or "Mommy, do you need to go potty?" We love him so much. The only thing that bugs me lately is that he won't let me hold him as long as I want. I have to pin him down to kiss him over and over, and he only puts up with that for a few seconds. I don't know how to put into words how much I love Riley!

Baby: Boy or girl? I'm thankful for technology that will allow us to soon know what we are having (Dec 9th!!!!). Just the fact that I was able to get pregnant is a huge blessing. I know the heartache that goes along with struggling to get pregnant, although not to the extent of some I know and love. I wish so much for the same blessing to come to those who want it so badly. This time around I am SO much more excited because I know what to expect, and I now know how much you love your child. Ben and I absolutey can't wait! If it's a girl we are naming her Lafonda Shananae. If it's a boy it will be Harry Lloyd.

Other Family: I hope everyone knows that I was joking about the baby names. Family has become so much more important to me over the last several years. Of course they have always been important, but my appreciation for them has increased. I can't imagine moving far away where we wouldn't have the benefit of family. Even though my mom lives five hours away, I talk to her all the time on the phone and she is someone that I can tell anything too. Whenever I go on walks, I take my phone and call my mom. Although I'm getting more and more out of breath on these walks, and she's probably sick of hearing me huffing and puffing! I have a brother, Chris, who lives in Washington. I hope someday that he can move closer. That would be the icing on the cake! Okay, moving on from family.

-I have a place to live. It's a place that Ben and I have put a lot of work into and have made into an environment we love. We dream of having more space someday, but we are so lucky to have what we have.

-I can buy groceries. Food is pretty expensive at times, but we always have enough food and plenty of extra. That makes us extremely lucky.

-Ben has a job, and he is good at it. Who's to say what could happen in the future....we see people getting laid off all around us. But for now Ben's company is doing great and Ben is a valuable employee. I'm grateful that he is such a good worker and has made himself an important part of the team.

-I have had the opportunity to go to school...AND I'M ALMOST DONE! In fact today I just finished my last paper, and that feels SO good. I'm so happy that I picked a field that pretty much guarantees me a job, and these days that is good news. But more importantly I am excited to be a Nurse, and have the opportunity to learn and grow.

-I'm grateful to live in this country. I'm grateful to live during such a momentous time, when amazing changes are happening. True there is a lot of bad news these days, but focusing on that is depressing! I'd rather focus on the good and there is still plenty of that.

-Our car is fixed! For a long time it shook very bad, to the point of being dangerous. But we could not figure out what the problem was and spent a good amount of money trying to solve it. The other day Ben and his Dad (who I'm thankful for!) replaced a part and the problem is now fixed. That is a huge relief, as this is the car Ben drives to work and I worried that he would get in an accident.

Well, I'm sure I'll think of more later...but I've already been long winded with this. I really have been feeling very grateful lately, and not just because it's Thanksgiving. It's easy sometimes to forget that there is still so much good happening, and there is a LOT to look forward to. Of course the news doesn't often report what's positive...but if you look for it, you'll find it :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight Movie

I had the opportunity to go see the movie Twilight the other night with some friends. It was great to go out and do something fun like that! I liked the movie quite a bit, but didn't LOVE it. That doesn't mean I'm not excited for the next movie. During the movie there were some teenage girls sitting right behind us who would not shutup for the whole dang movie! It was constant talking and giggling and squealing and commenting ("Oh, he is SO hot!") I could not believe that some people (I don't care that they are teenagers, that's no excuse) are rude enough to act like they are the only ones in the whole theater! I turned around a couple of times and gave them nice long looks, but they didn't seem to get it. They probably just enjoyed the extra attention. Does anyone else have issues with noisy people in the theatre? What do you do? My mom just flat out tells them off or has them thrown out...I get nervous watching movies with her when someone is being noisy because I hate confrontation and I know she's about to put some giggling person in their place. Is it okay to just throw popcorn at them???? ANYWAYS, after the movie we went out to dinner and had a great time! It is so good to get out sometime and be carefree.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Ben took Riley to a party the other night, and they had a duck pond that he loved.
They also had a apple bobbing bucket, and Riley was playing in that for a while. When Ben went out to check on him, he found a few half eaten apples on the ground, and also some of the apples still floating in the water had a bite taken out of them! Hmmm, I guess Riley was taste testing the apples for people.

Riley and Kortley didn't get to spend hardly any time together on Halloween, but we were able to get this picture (after some serious coaxing since Riley was playing hard to get, as usual). In case you can't tell, Riley is Mike Wozowski, or the one-eyed Mike from Monsters Inc. His hand is in a pouch in the front where he put all his candy. Kortley is a cute little witch! Riley took quite a while to warm up to anybody (except his uncle Sam) on Halloween. He seems to have "performance anxiety" and whenever people pay too much attention to him, he clams up (and sometimes freaks out!) I love his personality, but I do hope he eventually will react a little more sweetly to people who are just being friendly to him! But he is definately a riot, and when he lets his guard down he is SO much fun and very long as he doesn't know everyone is watching him :)


So there's this little cat that hangs around our house sometimes, and he's REALLY friendly and has a real healthy sense of entitlement. This cat has several times darted into our house and casually walked around as if he belongs there. But you can see he's a fun cat, because he dove right into this pile of leaves with Riley.

We went last Sunday up the Nebo Loop and had a picnic. Riley was in heaven being up on the mountain. The only way we could get him back to the car was to pretend that a bear was chasing us!

I love this picture because they are making the same wierd face.

Eating our healthy lunch of cheez-its! Halloween pictures soon to come!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


No pictures for this post, but I think you will be grateful because what I am so proud of finally doing is placing a urinary catheter! All throughout nursing school I have not had the opportunity to place a catheter...and it has been driving me crazy because I really need the experience before I become a "real" nurse. Well, the other day I got my chance thanks to my nurse preceptor who is an awesome teacher. She is the nurse who is helping me at Nephi hospital (which I love!) for my last clinical. The lucky patient was a very old man, which for some reason made me less nervous. It went great! Some people might think a catheter is easy to do, and I'm sure it is after you've done it a lot. But the whole procedure has to be sterile and done just right to prevent infection, so at first it's a little tricky. Anyway, sorry to bore with my big "milestone". Now I just need to master I.V.'s.

Things have been busy lately so I don't post as much, but I have to mention that this pregnancy has been brutal so far in comparison to my first. If the wrong thing pops up on my T.V. (for example a picture of a piece of chicken) I run the bathroom and...well, you know. I can't even wear a certain pair of earrings because they make me sick. I bought them during a really rough week when I was really sick every day, and I guess they bring it all back for me. I'm just barely getting to the point where I can look at the grocery adds without gagging. Riley thinks the whole thing is funny. He likes to run with me to the toilet and laugh at me! Little punk :)

So there's a little bit of an update! I'm not posting this so anyone will feel sorry for me. I actually find it all very funny! To think that this little person inside me is causing me all this grief....and yet I already love him/her SO much. Next post I'll put up some good pics. But for this post, a urinary catheter and puking don't exactly make for great pics!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Visit to Boise

This a picture of one of the buildings at the old Boise State Penitentiary. These building's were really bleak, and the cells were just as bad. And these buildings were COLD! The cells were SO small, with room for maybe one person to stand and maybe to a pushup, but the cells were for two people. It would have been a bummer to be on the wrong side of the law back then. I don't know for sure, but I hear prisoners at most jails these days have it pretty okay.
Please nobody enlarge this picture. Just see it from a distance and imagine it is just a nice picture of a mom and daughter. This was probably the fifteenth shot we took, and each time we had to push the timer on the camera and RUN slipping and sliding to this spot, then strike a dorky pose. I think I do dorky REALLY well. I had a great time with my mom, and saw four movies that I highly recommend, listed in order of recommendation:
1. The Duchess (Beautiful, wonderful, intriguing storyline!)
2. The Secret Life of Bees (good movie that I wouldn't mind owning)
3. Max Payne (a bit scary)
4. Eagle Eye (really entertaining)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Getting a pumpkin the FUN way!

We went to the red barn in Santaquin where we heard you could go on a hay ride to a pumpkin patch, and then pick a pumpkin! So that's what we did last night with Riley, and I'm really glad we did! It was the perfect evening to go...nice and sunny but also nice and chilly :) I LOVE fall!
Ben and I decided that Riley would pick the pumpkin....but our desire to get the best pumpkin possible won out when Riley picked and OKAY pumpkin and Ben and I had our eyes on a PERFECT pumpkin. So we did something very devious....Riley only thinks he picked the pumpkin, but as Riley and I walked back toward the hay ride, Ben picked up the perfect pumpkin. Oh well, as long as Riley thinks he got to pick!

Yes, we took Riley in his pajamas and I was basically in mine too. But oh well, if people like our fashion sense....great! If not....even better!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunday, Oct 5, 2008

..........and I don't mean Santa Claus, although we are looking forward to his visit too! No, the visitor we are expecting is coming in April and I don't think he or she will be coming down the chimney. This pregnancy has been a little rough so far with feeling sick! I think I threw up once with Riley, but this time I am always gagging or dry heaving or trying frantically not to throw up in the car. But it's getting better and even with all that I have been gaining weight (hardly seems fair to be that sick and still put on weight!).
This time around, it will be very convenient since I live right by the hospital that takes our insurance....I will just waddle over when the time comes! No road rage from Ben trying to get me to a hospital half an hour away. Anyway, we are excited and grateful to be having another child. I have to admit I am much more excited to have this one than I was to have Riley, but only because now I know (because of Riley) how much it means to have a child! Can't wait!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We're Still Kickin'!

Yes we are still alive! Life got really busy really fast, but I finally have a couple days where I don't have to be somewhere for school, so I am really appreciating it! I just spent 30 hours doing some clinicals at the psych ward of UVRMC. It was very interesting...I'll leave it at that. Ben and I spent last weekend up in Park City! We love Park City in the Fall, and this is our second annual fall trip there. We hope to keep up the tradition for many years!
Just like last year, we went down the Alpine Slide. We also went down the Alpine Coaster which is about five times as fun as the Alpine slide. But we were having way too much fun to take pictures. I was pretty much screaming the whole way down...and since Ben doesn't scream, he just giggled the whole way down and kept shouting "You are crazy! You're crazy!" to me since I controlled the speed of our little coaster.
So here's some pictures from Ben's "guys night out" to Fish Lake. I guess all four of them stayed in the same tent. I personally think that could get a little smelly. But they had fun and I'm glad Ben got to go and have some fun with these guys. By the way they are all Nuttals. The person taking the picture is Jeff Nuttal.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Last Night and Day of Freedom

Monday night was the last night that I didn't have to worry about getting up early the next morning for anything! I am REALLY going to miss that. Tomorrow I have to get up at 6 to get ready for my LAST SEMESTER OF NURSING SCHOOL!!! Is it obvious I'm excited? I just can't believe I am a mere 4 months from being done, although I still feel like I have so much to friends and family, wait five years to ask me any medical questions unless you want me to make up some bogus answer! So Monday night we went and roasted hot dogs up Payson canyon with our friends the Ellis's and their two boys. Had a great time!
I went up with the idea that I would stay away from the fire so that I wouldn't have to wash my hair which I had just washed and fixed. Ha Ha to that idea...I REEKED afterwards because there is just no way to roast hot dogs and marshmallows without soaking up that campfire smell.
Today (Tuesday) is my last official day of freedom. So I walked with Riley to One Man Band and we ordered a breakfast to share. Riley and "Tiggy" helped pick our order. Let me tell you if you want a nice, greasy breakfast...go to this place. It's good the caloric content doesn't accompany the food!
Open WIDE!!!
Does anyone else's kid drink the ketchup and the frysauce? I guess they ARE in little cups, so to a kid that says "Drink up!" He was putting ketchup on his pancakes too. What IS it with kids and ketchup?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Park City!

I LOVE park city in the Fall. In fact Ben and I went last fall and will probably try to go next month. But I was lucky enough to be able to go this weekend with some friends I went to highschool with. I must be truthful...I haven't had an overnighter girls night out since I've been married (except with my mom). We did a lot of shopping, and of course our kids all got a nice haul. Riley got some much needed fall clothes. It's amazing how nearly entire wardrobes need to be replaced when a child goes from 2T to 3T.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Slip-N-Slide On Steroids

You may think you have done the slip-n-slide thing, but you haven't REALLY done a slip-n-slide until you've experienced speeding down a very steep hill on a VERY long wet piece of plastic such as the one shown in the picture. There was no way to go down this slide without getting an enormous wedgie! It was the most fun I've had all summer (next to going boating, the cabin, my mom's visit, and the cruise).

Ben and Riley on their first cruise down.

Yes, it was massive!

I'm not real happy about the faces I make when
I am experiencing extreme fun or stress. Riley takes after me in this. He makes some pretty funny faces when he is freaked out, which makes it so much fun to freak him out :)

This is Ben playing the role of Mufasa, and Riley playing the role of Simba! (Lion King...get it?)

And in case anyone is wondering, yes, Ben did enjoy himself!
Thank you to Brian and Melissa for providing the fun!